Caribbean Association Of Pharmacists Peer Awards 2009The Caribbean Association of Pharmacists is pleased to announce the winners of the CAP Peer Awards for the Year 2009.
An award to a first timer at CAP who by popular vote of delegates has participated fully in all aspects of the 2009 convention.-
The nominees are Patricia Nasiiro, Dominica and Bryan James, Grenada and the Winner is
2009 – Patricia Nasiiro, Dominica
2008 – Orrin Jolly, Dominica
2007 – Sophia Pringle, Cayman Islands
An Award for a young pharmacist who has demonstrated leadership during the training and early years of professional life.
The Winner of this award will receive The Knights Trophy
The nominee must:-
· Be a registered pharmacist with no more than seven (7) years practice
· Be a member of their national association
· Have displayed interest in professional organizations or student groups during training
· Display best practice in the carrying out of professional duties
· Have a good reputation in professional circles
2009 – Dr. Orrin Jolly - Dominica
2008 – Amanda Mohammed, Trinidad & Tobago
2007 – Samantha Connoly (Cayman Islands)
Awards to three Pharmacists who have emphasised the delivery of clinical services in their professional practice.
The winners of these three (3) awards will each receive an Acme trophy sponsored by Carlisle Laboratories.
The nominee must :
· Have been a registered Pharmacist for five (5) years and over
· Have worked in the same Pharmacy for three(3) years and over
· Be a member of the Caribbean Association of Pharmacists (CAP)
· Be in good standing with the national professional or regulatory body
· Be a member of a local national association where one exists.
· Be providing a mix of clinical services or a specialization that promote the value of the cognitive skills of Pharmacists
Ernestine Watson, Jamaica
Rosamund Lovell, Barbados
Angelline Shillingford, Cayman Island
Jane Burton, Cayman Islands
Kathleen Reid, Trinidad and Tobago
Winsome Christie Jamaica
Allyson Pouchet, Trinidad and Tobago
Gavin Graham, Jamaica
An Award to a member of the Caribbean Association of Pharmacists who has displayed conduct that conforms to the highest ethical and humanitarian standards.
The winner of this award will receive a trophy and citation donated by Commonwealth Drugs
The nominee must be a Registered Pharmacist and have displayed conduct of the highest ethical and humanitarian standards.
2009 – Fabiola Roberts – Guyana
2008 – Amanda Mohammed – Trinidad & Tobago
2007 – David Pellow, Cayman Islands
An award for outstanding contribution to hospital pharmacy practice to be made to an individual or institution offering service in this area.
The nominee must:-
· Be a registered pharmacist working in the hospital system in the Caribbean or a hospital/clinic/pharmacy institution in the public or private sector providing pharmacy services to the Caribbean people
· Be a member of the Caribbean Association of Pharmacists or have such a pharmacist in its employ
· Be a member of a professional organization that represents pharmacy (where one exists)
· Be making an outstanding contribution to the practice of pharmacy in place of employment or engaged in outstanding service delivery
· Be recognized as an integral part of the health care team
· Exemplify equity, access, honesty, caring and adherence to the law in the delivery of service to the public.
The Winner of this award will receive:-
¨ The Caribbean Pharmacy Spirit Trophy donated by Boehringer Ingelheim
¨ 3 nights accommodation at the succeeding CAP Annual Convention
The nominees were Desiree Archer, Bahamas; Sangre Grande Regional Hospital Pharmacy; Dhalchand Seeram, Cayman Brac.
2009 – Dhalchand Seeram – Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands
2008 – Loston Nesbitt - St. Kitts Nevis
2007 – Alicia Smith - Jamaica.
6. THE CARIBBEAN PHARMACY SIGMA AWARD – Health 2000An award for the Pharmacy that epitomizes the best of the pharmacy business culture. This centre of excellence must provide the setting, services and support for community in keeping with the high goals of pharmacy.
The Winner of this award will receive:-
¨ The Caribbean Pharmacy Sigma trophy donated by Health 2000
¨ Permission to use the accolade in its advertising and promotion for one year
The pharmacy must:-
· Be registered and employ the full time services of a registered pharmacist
· Have in its employ a member of a national professional organization that represents pharmacy (where one exists) or the Caribbean Association of pharmacists
Be in good standing with the national regulatory body
· Dedicate no less than 20% of its floor space to designated pharmacy services
· Display patient centred elements in the layout including a counselling area
· Not sell tobacco related products or alcoholic beverages
· Support Community based activities
1st - UWI Pharmacy - St. Augustine, T&T;
2nd - Matilda’s Corner Pharmacy, Kingston Jamaica
1st - PSI Drugs, Trinidad & Tobago;
2nd - Braeton Pharmacy, Jamaica
1st - Professional Pharmacy, Cayman Islands; 2nd - Collins Pharmacy, Barbados
The winner of this award will receive the Eureka Trophy donated by CARIMED.
1) The Boehringer Ingelheim Book Award
2) The H. I. C. Lowe Award
The nominee must:
o Have a continuous and unquestionable track record of contribution exceeding 5 years.
o Have developed a new concept, idea, technique, product or institution that has benefited Caribbean Pharmacy
o Have demonstrated commitment to the people of the Caribbean.
2009 – Cayman Island Health Services, Cayman Islands
2008 – Angelie Lochan, Trinidad and Tobago
2007 – Sangre Grande Hospital Sports Medicine Centre-Eastern Regional Health Authority, Trinidad and Tobago
Awards for 2 Pharmacy Inspectors/Regulators/ Councils that have demonstrated outstanding dedication to high ethical standards and have carried out their duties in a manner that has benefited Pharmacy and the wider public.
The nominee must :
o Be a registered Pharmacist employed to a regulatory agency or be a regulatory agency that monitors any aspect of the profession of Pharmacy
o Have been effective in monitoring and regulating the profession
o Have worked assiduously to protect the profession of Pharmacy and the wider public interest.
The winners of these awards will each receive awards sponsored by EXCAN.
The nominees were Verna Edwards, Jamaica; Pharmacy Council of Jamaica; Dr. Marvin Smith, Bahamas
Pharmacy Council of Jamaica
Dr. Marvin Smith, Bahamas2008
Joann Ince Jack, St. Vincent & Grenadines
Pharmacy Council of St. Vincent & Grenadines
Peter Fontilus (Curacao)
Maryam Hinds (Barbados)
9. THE CAP PRESIDENT’S TROPHYAn award to a Pharmacist who has consistently exhibited a level of social conscience and has earned the respect of professional colleagues. The awardee will be selected by the CAP President .
The nominee must be a Registered Pharmacist and member of the Caribbean Association of Pharmacists in good standing and must have been engaged in outstanding public education programme about the profession of pharmacy 2008-2009.
1) The winner will be selected by the President and ratified by the Executive Council of CAP.
2) The winner will be announced during the Annual Awards Ceremony
3) The decision of the Executive Council of CAP shall be final.
2009 – David Pellow, Cayman Islands2008 – Leonnie Wallace, Jamaica
2007 – Janet Parris, Trinidad & Tobago
10. CARIBBEAN PHARMACIST OF THE YEAR – Sanofi Aventis An award for outstanding contribution to the Profession of Pharmacy and Caribbean Society.
The winner of this award:
· Have a good record of participation in Continuing Education
· Have made an outstanding contribution to Pharmacy
· Have made an outstanding contribution to their community
The winner of this award will receive the Excelsior Trophy donated by Sanofi Aventis
And The Boehringer Ingelheim Book Award
2009 – Vivienne Watson, Jamaica2008 – Leonnie Wallace, Jamaica
2007– Angie Lochan, Trinidad and Tobago
CAP STAR AWARDSFour awards presented to persons who contributed significantly to the Association over the last year.
Orrin Jolly, Dominica
Lauren Lumkin Thomas, Trinidad & Tobago
Vivienne Watson, Jamaica
Cheryl Ann Yearwood, Barbados.